We have a Shoshoni Elder, Blue Thunder, who
has received this message and is coming to
to help us secure our valley. He is willing to unite all cultures, belief
systems, and races in prayer and sacred intent, to heal, unify, and shift
the Earth and Her Peoples.
Blue Thunder, like many Native Elders, does
not charge for his healing work and yet still must pay house, utilities and
all the other expenses of family and living. We would like to help him with
his expenses so that his family does not suffer because of his dedication to
doing this work
Any donation will graciously be
Thank you very much for your time and
You can learn
more at
Blue Thunder's sites at
Link to talk show
Link to video short
Healing Mother Earth Through
by Blue Thunder

Teaching the objective of ceremonies by
educating humanity on Earth issues. Interpreting the natural
disasters of the world’s environments as disasters created by
mankind. Bring an awareness on the cause of how and why Mother Earth's
Environments are reacting the way they are, now to the world wide
educational institutions programming in scientific technologies. The
objective of the ceremonies will help end the needless destructive
developments of Mother Earth and remembering protocols in the
development of the resources in nature. Conducting an indigenous
protocol ceremony brings clarity to the ceremonial traditions on
clearing impurities of Mother Earth’s soil, wind-oxygen, importance of
fire and waters- all life force of all creation. Interpreting how
we can give service in education while conducting ceremonies for the joy
and happiness of cultures working together for peace and harmony on
environmental wisdoms, knowledge. This work is to remind us, while
educating humanity on who we are and why we are and what we are to
Mother Earth during these changing times we are in now and where we are
Earth wisdom knowledge will help educate on the importance of
the ceremonies on ancient earth knowledge. Sharing prophecies of Mother
Earth’s sacred geometry, grid lines, ley lines and song lines.
Re-introducing this sacred geometry through the Web of Life Symbols,
Grandmother Spiders Web and how it works upon Mother Earth’s matrixes of
today. Reminding the many cultures that the Earth is our Mother
and from within the Central Sun is our Father holding the wisdom of
creation for all life. Showing that the water, the food and the
very breath we breathe are all connected in purity and all things are
related to each other. Relating the importance of the Earth, Wind,
Fire and Water bring about healing ceremonies clearing the toxins and
poisons upon Mother Earth. Remembering Pure Water is the life
force of all life forms.
In a Earth healing ceremony we re-connect to Mother Earth healing
nature and our families relationships around the world for a better
future of generations arriving tomorrow. Stressing the importance
of indigenous protocols in the stewardship of Mother Earth's elements,
the Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. Teachings on what we can do to
better understand Mother Earth's Wisdom in acknowledging the indigenous
voices working with Mother Earth. Universal Laws interpreted in
how Man Made Laws took the Universal Laws, Natures Laws into a downfall
and has damaged the sacredness of Mother Earths web of life in the
worldwide. |
The spiritual vision is calling the Indigenous Nations,
along with other cultures to come forth putting our relationship with nature
back into harmony and order with sacred vibrations. To come forth with the
use of sacred prayers, utilizing our drums, songs, and sacred vibrational
tools. By utilizing prayer, the sacred vibrations of our drums, by chanting
our songs, these ancient sites will revitalize. The intent is to place back
into harmony and balance those lands, mountains and bodies of water that are
now "out of harmony" due to reckless development within these areas that has
happened within the United States at large.
The dream mentions when the ceremony takes place, negative
thought forms and deeds which lie within these areas, will be released,
freeing the bondages which have been put upon the land and re-attuning these
Sacred Sites with one another, and to work together as the ancestors once
did in the past before colonization took place. The ceremony then becomes an
important tool to teach all individuals the importance of our Mother Earth
and the blessings She has given all of us. The re-harmonization will help
bring back the rains. Many of Mother Earth’s womb springs will come to life
once again, flowing outward. Water carries the messages of life, while
sustaining life, our lifeblood that is blessed by our Father Sun and watched
over by the Universal Presence.
This is to be a joint effort of all involved. We must be
in the highest form of sacred thought while in prayer. We must work in a
straightforward manner. There will be no disagreements as to who is right
and who is wrong for the mountains and rivers have already had enough of
this negativity.
The vision shows that this undertaking would be a joint
effort working together in Peace and Harmony with one another, working with
our families as we are surround by the four colors of race, mankind itself.
We shall bring back Peace of Mind to our spirits, to our hearts, and to our
homelands. We will release the bondage of negative thought forms and
prejudice within our minds for the betterment of all living things.
Mother Earth will assist us in these areas that are being
prepared. She will activate the sacred vibration of harmony through the
sacred medicine wheel.
Spiritual Messengers of many Indigenous Nations along with
many other cultures will participate in prayers and ceremony. Everyone will
be in the best of behaviors with integrity of pure prayers of the mind,
heart, and spirit with sacred actions for harmony and balance. This is very
important for the Holy Ones will be watching all of us at this time. The
Holy Ones have instructed us to be in clear minds, hearts, and sprit, being
one in Harmony with Sacred Prayer for Mother Earth’s Creations that are all
related on Turtle Island of the America’s and around the World.
Bibliography: Blue Thunder Eastern Shoshone Nation
BlueThunder, spiritual elder and
advisor, is an enrolled member of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe on the Wind
River Indian Reservation, Ft Washakie, Wyoming. He has 56 years of
experience in indigenous knowledge and wisdom in the traditional aspects of
his culture within the Eastern Shoshone Nation. Through the encouragement of
his tribal elders, he studied Cultural Anthropology and Applied Indigenous
Studies at Northern Arizona University, located in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Studying European methods of communication at N.A.U. that has allowed
Blue Thunder to speak from a truly Native American perspective
cross-referencing the educational teaching methods to truly know what is
important in helping other cultures consider on what the Indigenous cultures
represent in the Earth Wisdom Nations.
Blue Thunder is a member of the Spiritual Elders of Mother
Earth, an organization of Indigenous Nations Prophecy Seed Carriers of North
America www.spiritualelders.org
- www.tetonrainbows.com -
www.viisionslifeforcefoundation.com. In this capacity, he helps educate
all cultures of the Black, White, Yellow, Brown and Red Nations on the
importance and the significance of sacred sites and the Indigenous
Prophecies. His present emphasis is:
* To inform all cultures of the importance of
protecting and preserving all indigenous sacred sites within this country
and across the world.
* To teach the great significance of the Indigenous
Nations holy lands sacred texts in the rocks spread areas across the
America's and the world at large. Representing a reflection of what the
Indigenous Nations traditions and cultures is what the rest of the world's
nation have or once understood also.
* He stresses the importance of the language of
traditions in dreams and visions in the many homelands of all nations in the
America’s and abroad. Utilizing the current and rapidly disappearing
Indigenous perspectives on Mother Earth Environments: Educating humanity
around the America’s and other Nations in an Indigenous Educational format.
Wisdom and Knowledge to consider on what has happened in the uncontrolled
land development, which is causing Nature’s Disasters. Bring an awareness
how development in materialist gain goes against the Indigenous Protocols
that is causing nature to react as it is now around the world.
Blue Thunder believes there is a great need to undertake
an understanding of all sacred sites as part of a spiritual learning
experience to regain the wisdom and knowledge remembering how harmony and
peace work upon Mother Earth. Not only for oneself but also for our families
and all of humanity. Practicing the healing ceremonies of Mother Earth and
repairing, rebirthing her environments into health, purity. There is a need
for wisdom of the tangible and intangible spiritual aspects of all life on
our true Mother, our Earth. Mother Earth who gives us life as does our true
Creator, the Universe Life Force of Creation. The Truth has been written in
the stone writings of great knowledge explaining the visions of the past,
present and future. It's direction for mankind tells us how to stay in
balance and harmony with nature and all conscious life upon our sacred
mother, the Earth within the Universal, Spiritual Laws of Nature.